Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day #4: Just a little awkward story for all involved...

I'm a good girl; I attend church meetings regularly, and over the summer I attended my family's  congregation.

This, however, is the story of how Stephanie's singles ward thinks I'm inactive.

One sunny, summer Sunday I decided to go visit two of my best girl-friends, Ashtyn and Stephanie, as well as attend their ward with them.  We sat through the relief society lesson and then, after class, it was announced that a special meeting was to be held for the new members of the ward.  Because Ashtyn was new in the ward and I was unsure if I would be transferring my records to this ward or not, I decided to go to this fun little meeting: Mistake #1.
As we walked into the designated room, they handed us a "get-to-know-you" sheet to fill out... which I did: Mistake #2.
After we had gone around the room and introduced ourselves, they asked us to step into the hall, write our name down and have our picture taken for the ward menu... uhhh I mean directory (;, which I did as well: Mistake #3.

I went home and thought little of the ward I had visited, that is until I began being spammed by their activity update e-mail once a week.
And they called to invite me to an activity....
That was the moment I decided they probably thought I was inactive.

Anywho, I proceeded on with my life in it's semi-normal fashion and came back down to school.

And then today, I got a phone call.

"Hello?" says I.
"Is this Kacy?" says he.
He then goes on to proceed to tell me that he is my home teacher and would like to get to know me and set up and appointment.  I assumed he was from my new ward until he said something weird in regards to time of the meetings.  I went ahead and made the appointment, and then he says, "So are you going to school at the U?"
uhhhhhhh no.

And then it hit me.
"What ward is this?"
"...the Madison Ward...."
<super awkward>
I then proceeded to explain I'm actually not in his ward and have my own ward down here.

And now maybe... just maybe Stephanie's ward has figured out why I have never come to their meetings. (:

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