Monday, August 27, 2012

Day #2: The theater kid paradox...

I'll be the first to admit it: I'm a theater kid.
Loud is what I do, and theater just makes sense to me. I love it. A lot. So why did I feel so uneasy amongst the throngs of theater kids surrounding me in the HFAC?
It was like watching an exclusive club.  A club that I am no longer a member of in this, at times, overwhelming atmosphere of academia.  They all know each other, are loud together, a little too confident looking as they sit in the first couple of rows next to the professor... you know, that kind of thing.

As my theater history class (antiquity to renaissance) continued, I felt myself being torn.  Part of me wishes that I could just immerse myself in this world of bright lights and make-up, rehearsals and scripts, but the other stronger, more rational part of me knows that in the end, that isn't what would make me happiest.  As much as I love it, I can't afford to make theater my life.  There is too much at stake.  I can't afford to sacrifice the amount of time it would take to climb the political ladder that is theater.  There are too many other things that are significantly more important to me.

As the professor proceeds to explain the course, the information that is just at my finger-tips shoots a thrill of excitement through me.  I can't help but think about how excited I am to read my text book and anthologies (weird) and just to learn about this subject that I didn't even realize I was so passionate about!

As this part of me fights with the rational side of me, a solution is reached (at least for now):
Kacy Carr ~ An Early Childhood Education Major; Theater Studies Minor

1 comment:

  1. Kathy said...
    I think your "at least for now" solution is perfect. You know that Heavenly Father will always guide you. . .trust Him! As you do, you will find great peace and happiness! I love you and am so very proud of you!

    August 28, 2012 8:14 AM
