Thursday, November 22, 2012

Day #36: A deep thought I felt really great about...

One of my friends had a facebook status talking about how he hates it when people order food and say "I need a Big Mac and a large fry." because they don't actually need it.  He said that we need water and air, but that we just want those things.  I understand the point that he was trying to make... but I don't think I completely agree.

So this is what I said:
"not to play devil's advocate or anything... but i think it all depends on the context of how you are using the word "need". Because honestly, you don't "need" water or air to die... but you do "need" them to live. You may not "need" a big mac and a large fry to live... but you might "need" them to satisfy a craving that you're having at the time. Catch my drift? (:
just a little food for thought. (;
{pun intended. pun achieved.}"

I mean am I right?
What we need is really determined by what we need said object FOR.

I'm just sayin'.

Just let that simmer for a while.


  1. Pun intended, pun achieved.


  2. I love you! And your blog..Just thought I'd throw that out there!
