Here's a couple of pictures just so you can at least begin to put a few faces with a few names! (:
Also, my computer is in a weird Hebrew mode.... so I'm feeling a little confused about some of the weird punctuation.... but oh well.... love you lots! hope this keeps you happy!!!!!!
This is me at the Dome of the Rock!!!!!!! I get to looks at it everyday.... just not this close.
On the way up to the Pergamum Acropolis in Turkey! Kimmy, Cameron, and Paul Bradshaw(Nathan's cousin
Some of the boys: from left to right: Taylor, Scott, Paul, Mike, Stephen, and Dallin is at the top of the little pyramid
Roomi Date in the city!!!! from left to right: Vic, Corny, Sammie! k
Just some of the awesome members of the Schade bus nbd (you'll read about this event in this weeks coming installment (;
McKay, Me, and Dallin (from left to right